We can link internal pages into source code and custom pages but what if you want to show internal pages as main feature menu?


This module allows you to turn your internal pages into Main page as menu item.


Our app has many features and those features have many internal pages which are linked but sometimes different use cases have different needs to highlight some internal pages.


You can choose the icon and set the name for internal page and when it’s clicked it will directly open internal page, for user it will look like direct access to internal page.


This module can be added multiple times in single app so you can connect all your internal links into main feature set.



Maybe you want your user to access catalog category page or   order history page easily.
Then using this module you can create separate menu which will open product history page directly.


This module supports all the existing and future internal pages available in the Gappsy app/source code feature.
Now you have easy tool to highlight more important internal page for user.